Ms powershell for mac os
Ms powershell for mac os

The “Run inside shell” checkbox needs to be enabled! You can set a custom command to start when you open a terminal window with this profile: enter pwsh in the “Run command” field at the top, and now, every time you open a window with this profile, it starts Powershell Core automatically, saving you all of five keystrokes. What you can do is, you can create a separate profile for your Powershell Core stuff, customize all those colors, fonts, and what-not. You probably already know that you can customize the Mac Terminal to death, and you may even have noticed that you can create different profiles for different purposes: So wouldn’t it be cool if we could launch our Powershell Core in the stylish blue world of bliss that Windows users have become so accustomed to? Setting up a color profile The first thing you’ll notice is that this doesn’t really play well if you’re using a white background, as the output is often light grey, yellow or even white.

#Ms powershell for mac os mac os#

If you didn’t know, Powershell isn’t exclusive to Windows anymore – you can actually run a basic set of Powershell features, called Powershell Core, on Mac OS and Linux as well.īy default, running the “pwsh” command just starts Powershell Core in a regular terminal window. I just recently had the opportunity to sit with Aaron Nelson and go through some really cool Powershell features, and I’m certainly going to spend time getting to know Powershell a lot better.

Ms powershell for mac os